Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cell Phone Photos

I am borrowing this idea from Stephanie from Dirt and Lace!

I thought this was a really fun idea, and I loved seeing Stephanie's pictures, so I thought I'd play too.  As I've mentioned before, I love taking photos.  Although I don't always have a camera with me, I do usually have my cell phone, so that's where most of my photos end up.  Most of them are random, but I thought I'd share some of them for fun.  As you can guess... many are of my dog.

 I love that our cellphone pictures tend to be more candid and random than pictures taken with a regular camera!  Most of mine are taken to send to someone (usually my mom or husband).

I have no idea when most of these are from, but I think they go older to more recent, LOL.  

 Lilah and a couple of my mom's doggies
 A lizard that I saved from the street.  He seemed to have only lost his tail, but he was obviously pretty pissed, LOL.

 I love random license plates... and used to love Kim Possible.
 Lilah's moving box.

Lilah & a Viola 

This is what happens if fresh folded laundry is left unattended...

 Violas & Asparagus Fern

 Russ at the dog park... I love how there are dogs bounding everywhere (Lilah is on the far right).
I already miss the dog park...
An "Alien Skull" at my old college, which I also miss.

And there you have it, random snippets of my life.  I'd love to see yours!