Good Morning (or afternoon... for other time zones)!
Okay, I know you all are probably sick of the San Francisco pics, but I swear this is my last SF blog (well... for this trip to SF anyways...)
These are pictures from the Academy of the Sciences... basically it was like a museum/exploratorium. My favorite part was the aquarium, I love all the colorful sea life, some of it was beautiful, and some of it was disgusting. LOL...
I'll start with the beginning of the day... Kyle thought he was going to have to ride in the very back of the car, here's him trying to stuff himself in there.

And here we are walking to the Academy of the Sciences...

And here are pics from on top of the "living roof" very fascinating! Yes, those rolling hills that look like a meadow... the roof of the building! See below reasons to "go live", although I can't imagine Russ will let me grow a meadow on our house anytime soon...

A close-up of the roof...

And now for the animals and aquarium pictures...

And, very scary, but pretty amazing, an albino crocodile (it could have been an alligator... feel free to correct me, I honestly do NOT know the difference LOL)

And finally... after a long and wonderful weekend, here is how it ended for Russ and my grandpa, who fell asleep watching t.v at my aunt's

And, very scary, but pretty amazing, an albino crocodile (it could have been an alligator... feel free to correct me, I honestly do NOT know the difference LOL)

Outside after the museum... just relaxing in the park.

Once again, I hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving. I know I personally have a lot to be thankful for and I think it's going to be a really great holiday! I don't mind the four days off in a row either (!!!) this is the most time off I've had in a LONG time!
Take care & be thankful!
- K
See now, how much fun would those photos have been with no blog to show them off? hahaha i know your sick of me rubbing blog creation in your face LMAO hahaha!
Anyways, carrying on...
I'm glad you had such a great trip!
Thanks so much for putting your two cents into the entry about Ryan and Missy. I believe that all the good people we meet in our lives, we had to use an ugly person as a stepping stone to get to them. It's true in a lot of meet all the great people in your life via someone who wasn't worth your time.
I met you that way and a lot of other people i hold close!
That is so very true... everyone is in our life for a reason!
Didn't I technically meet Missy before you? Too funny when you really think about it.. I remember something about her being butthurt that I liked you better. HAHA I wonder why! I knew there was something off there before any of this went down!
I'm in awe of the meadow roof! That's insane.
Loved the aquarium...we went to one in Washington D.C. and I was so excited. It ended up being a big disappointment.
Glad you had a great Thanksgiving!
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