We went out and did some things that we haven't gotten to do in awhile, like go to the dog park with our puppy (it gets dark here at around 4:45PM... by the time we get home its too dark to go, and we have had other obligations for the past few weekends). We took her and also her brother, who my mom still has yet to find a home for...
Here are some pictures from the doggy park... they aren't very clear, because I had turned my flash off and it was around dusk (I didn't want to be that person taking pics of her dog at the park LOL!)

Later that day we took the dogs back to my mom's and then headed to the mall. I NEED to get some of my shopping done! So far I have only finished shopping for ONE person, & not even a family member!
So tonight, I will be writing down each person and at least three things (so that I can have options) that I think they would like & where I might find these things... the only person who has told me something they would like is my mom, who has only told me some nightgowns and a throw for her couch. Which really, is a great start.
Russ and I have agreed not to get gifts for each other this year because we would like to just save our money for one of three things... 1. New Mattress 2. New Computer and 3. (at totally bottom of MY list, top of Russ') New TV. Personally, I am just fine with the TV we have, but you know how guys can be with those TVs!
I did at least find a few things for one of my friends at the mall this weekend... but that's about it. Getting Russ to go to the mall with me is like pulling teeth, and if I go without him he complains about being at home or being hungry, etc, etc.
So usually I just bribe him with things like...
Gelato... (this is him sad when all the gelato was gone)

Once again, I hope you all had a great weekend... back to the daily grind tomorrow!
The dog park looks like fun... I wish we had one around here!
hahahaha that last picture of Russ is hilarious!
I think Big Boy is beautiful! If I lived closer, I'd take him.
I love Bassett puppies too. They're so adorable. But they get WAY too big for my liking.
L'ingMAO @ that picture of Russ. :)
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