We didn't do much really this weekend, but I did go see Bride Wars on Saturday night... it was good for what it was... it was cute. It had it's moments I guess you could say, nothing of substance though. Which really, was what I was in the mood for, just something mindless....

We also went to the doggy park both days. It's something I really enjoy doing, and the weather was so nice it would have been a shame not to get out and do some stuff!
So yeah! Not really much to say, I hope you all had a wonderful weekend... back to the daily grind tomorrow... ugh, how I despise Sunday nights!
OH! And I love PostSecret.com, and just thought this one was cute...I might share some of my favorites from time to time. If you've never checked post secret, its a site where you can anonymously send in your "secrets" and select secrets will be posted every Sunday. Some are funny, some are sad, some are gross, and some are inspiring. I think it's very fascinating and also have some of their coffee table books of secrets that they have published! I think my good friend Brittany told me about this site a few years ago!

while you were having sunny and 63....us over here in Massachusetts where having 25 and 5 inches of snow!
Yes it was me who told you about post secret! Love that site...did you ever buy the book?
Yep, I have a couple of their books actually. They have quite a few out now... I want to say like four or maybe more.
Dude, I couldn't handle 25 degrees... my little "snowflake" turned on in my car this morning because it hit 39 degrees... anything under 50 and I'm frozen!!
Oh sure...rub in the good weather.
The high is supposed to be 18 here this week...ALL WEEK LONG.
I'm going to turn into an ice cube, I just know it!
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