I didn't take any pictures this time... we were too busy catching up. I really wish I would have though, and some pictures of Davis. I love Davis, it's such a neat college town.
I will probably take pictures next time I go to see her, because I plan on seeing her at least once more before she leaves for 2 YEARS :(
On Friday night we went to go see Star Trek. I had never watched any of the shows, or other movies (didn't even know there were any). I used to say that "this wasn't my type of thing" but I've found lately that if I just give things a chance to "be my thing" I usually end up liking it.

It was also directed by J.J Abrams, the creator of my FAVORITE show Lost!
Not much happened on Saturday... we just hung out and relaxed... I can't remember anything of interest from Saturday.
On Sunday, we met up with my Grandpa and his wife for his birthday celebration. We went to this totally adorable restaurant that was set in the middle of a plant nursery. There was so much to look at, and the restaurant looked a bit like a green house, so you could look out when you are eating. The food was yummy too! I would love to go back for a special occasion at night, when they have the trees all lit up and tables lit by candle light!
Some pictures I took there...
I HATED StarTrek (the show) when it was on TV. I had no desire to see the movie, but everyone kept telling me that even if you hated the show you will really like the movie, So your not the only one to have said that you liked it.
I will probably wait until it comes out of DVD though, But I will give it a watch, just because I've heard the same thing that you said from everyone.
Glad to see you had a great weekend...
Your Mom totally cracks me up..LOL
Doug's always happier when he's off work for more than just his usual 2 days/week too.
I have to confess...nothing Star Trek interests me in the least. But, you're the second or third person who's told me that movie is fantastic. So I might give it a chance. ;)
Looks like you had a really nice Memorial Day weekend. BTW, your mom is a hoot. LOL
I want to see that movie! I liked the old star trek, loved the next generation star trek so I think they keep improving it.
Your mom is hysterical with that crocodile statue thing!
Glad you guys had a great day!
(You have great teeth by the way, since having to buy braces for my daughters...I notice everyones teeth :-)
wow looks and sounds like you had such a wonderful time! yay!
these are gorgeous pics! hope your week is just as fun :)
Sounds like you're having a lovely weekend :) And have i told you i love your banner? Because i do :)
Sounded like a fantastic day! And Star Trek is fantastic =)
Looks like you guys had fun. Your mom is like me, I can't help but interact with statues for pics. LOL.
Sounds like a great weekend!
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