So my weekend has been quite uneventful really. Russ worked on Saturday, and I worked on a paper for my Political Science class.
It was a paper on the possibility of California's state parks possibly being closed for a bit due to our state's huge budget problems... it is so sad to me. I have such amazing memories especially of one of the parks (Big Basin Redwoods) in particular. We spent many camping trips there when I was younger, and I just loved it there...
To think of losing this beauty (though they say it will only be for a few years) really saddens me...

We have been planning a trip back to Big Basin this summer, and by the looks of it, we better make that soon, before we lose the opportunity.
If you are a Californian (or even if you aren't!!!) and would hate to see many of our amazing parks such as Big Basin Redwoods be closed (no matter how long they say it will be for), please check out this site to sign a petition... this was turned down last year and hopefully it will be again.
On another note, Russ and I rented Doubt from our beloved local Redbox (which reminds me, I need to drive over there and take it back when I'm done with this entry). I enjoyed the movie... I think it was very interesting, and I like that not everything is entirely answered, and leaves the viewer to make their own judgement on what really happened...
Don't want to say too much more, I'm a firm believer in not giving things away and ruining the movie for others! As you probably know it had many nominations this year, and had an incredible cast. If you are in the mood for a serious movie (and maybe even a little dark), then I would check this one out...

Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!! I'm off to hopefully return my Redbox rental and watch the MTV Movie Awards :)
I keep seeing that movie in On Demand, maybe I'll watch it this week.
Those trees look huge! I've never seen them in person though I was raised in California.
I would love to see those trees in person! Sucks that they might close the parks though.
Those trees are amazing!! 0_o
Lovely blog!
so sad about the parks ive never been over there but the thought of seeing those trees has always been in my wish list to go
havent seen doubt because i thought itd be too sad... is it sad??? im a bit of a crier and so i stick to comdey or romance!
Uuuh I wanna go there.
I haven't seen the movie, maybe I should. : x
I would love to see those huge old trees. What a tribute to the beauty of nature.
I've been wanting to see that movie too. Thanks for reminding me! :)
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