I am still adjusting to it, but I think I like it :)
I always do this love/hate thing for a day or two after I get my hair done. I think it's kinda fun for summer though!
(Oh, and I will totally do my eyebrows lighter, I swear. Just went in darker and came out lighter, so they're a bit dark for the hair now)
I think your hair looks great! It looks very summer-y ;) And I don't think your eyebrows look too dark either. :)
You look sensational either way but you just look happier, at least to me, as a blond. It just adds a sparkle doesn't it?!
WOW!!!! You look so much like your mom it isn't even funny! THATS A GOOD THING, Your mom is very pretty!
I would keep that color! You look HOT in it FOR REAL! I love it!
I like it. It's different than I'm used to seeing you, but I like it.
I went very dark today. I mean, really dark. I might take pics. Might not. I hate how I look these days, so I don't like taking pics of myself. You know what I mean?
Oh yeah, I tagged myself in your last entry and did it over on my blog.
wow! you look outstanding! Very summery!
You look great! Love the color...and I don't think your eyebrows look too dark either...
I sooo need to get my hair done..
The perfect color for summer! And I actually think your eyebrows look fine. They're supposed to be a couple shades darker than your hair.
I can't help it though, Kiki....I adore your red color. To me, you'll always be a redhead. :)
And yes, I've never seen it spelled 'blond' either. I think the spellcheck on blogger is seriously fecked up. LOL
Lookin' good, chica!
LOOOVE IT! Getting my brows done next time, do you do it or have someone? XOXO Cass
Thank you guys for all the nice comments!!! We'll see if I stick with the hair color, I'm a little scared that it's going to be more upkeep, though my hair does grow very S.L.O.W!
wow looks fab!!!
I like it! it's a great look for the summer :)
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