I left the rules for the tag at the very end...
What is your current obsession?
Hmm… I always have something that I seem to be obsessing over. I guess today it’s my hair, because it looks terrible and I’m getting it done tomorrow, yet not sure what I should do with it. This is a big ridiculous dilemma that I seem to go through every time it’s time to get my hair done again… and I’m sick of thinking about it.
Big sunglasses... (though these are a joke, I promise)
Other than that I’m really obsessed with bright nail polish right now. It’s just so FUN!
Oh, and Sims 3…which just came out a few weeks ago. Yeah. Pretty much obsessed. :(
What is your weirdest obsession?
My weirdest? Hm… Dachshunds (Wiener Dogs), Owls… I don’t know that those are weird though… Also obsessed with Sushi, Thai Food, and Pho (Vietnamese soup, YUM)… Once again, not that weird. Hmm, sorry you guys, not too much juicy stuff here!
Coffee or tea?
Tea. I never drink coffee, I guess I just haven’t acquired that taste for it yet. I do love tea though!
What’s for dinner?
Very good question. I have no idea, and maybe I should start thinking about it.
What 5 words best describe you?
Sarcastic, Easily-Amused, Worrywart, Friendly
I think the 2nd one counts as two words...
What was the last thing you bought?
My dad’s birthday gift, a shirt from Harley… I have a double whammy, his birthday and Father’s Day in the same weekend, Oy. Luckily Father’s Day gift was purchased awhile ago.
What are you listening to right now?
Cheesy soft rock on the radio in the living room. Currently playing: “You’ve got a friend”
What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Probably Green Tea or Strawberry… usually have frozen yogurt though.
What do you think of the person(s) who tagged you?
She seriously has one of the funniest blogs I have ever read. I first found her blog via Andrea's lovely A Cat of Impossible Colour blog. I believe it was the entry about giving the dog a haircut and making a moustache. I was instantly hooked, she is very witty and writes hilarious Haiku as well!
If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go?
For just an hour? Hm, I guess to a place in Switzerland that I went to once after I graduated from high school, I think it was called Lucerne. I could just sit for the entire hour and look at the beautiful scenery around me.
Which language do you want to learn?
I would love to be able to learn Japanese… but I took years of Spanish in school and guess that when I have to take language again I will continue with that.
What is your favorite colour?
Purple and Teal
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your own wardrobe?
I am replacing this question, since I hate just about everything in my closet right now.
The new question is…
If you could travel anywhere this summer, where would it be?
Since an hour simply isn’t long enough to spend anywhere, I would love to take a vacation to Thailand. There are many other places I would love to go (Japan, Italy, Switzerland), but I think Thailand is topping the list right now…
What is your dream job?
Hmm… Well right now I feel like my dream job is to be an elementary school teacher. I hope I still feel the same when I am in the classroom.
What is your favourite body part? Of your own.
My eyes, I guess. Or the eyelashes, since they are quite long, and I like that.
What is your worst habit?
Where to start? Haha, kidding (kinda). Well, I bite my nails, pick off the nail polish (and usually don’t even notice that I’m doing either), I watch too much tv & play on the computer much too much, and always longer than I plan…
What's your party trick?
I can wiggle my ears… does that count? No? Well too bad, I’ve got nothing else :(
Do you admire any one’s style?
I admire a lot of people’s style, and not always the same “type” of style either. I really love feminine and vintage looks especially though.
Describe your personal style?
What are you going to do after this?
As I was filling this out, my mom called, and said that she passed this huge test that she took for work. Huge as in she's been studying for it for over a year, and the test itself was over four hours. I think we will be celebrating with her tonight :)
What are your favourite movies?
I like a lot of movies… I really love Harry Potter. I do. I don’t care if I’m twenty two, I will always love these books and movies.
Some other movies off the top of my head: The Hangover (just saw it, hilarious), Amelie, Gone with the Wind, Coraline, Classic Disney Movies.
What is your favorite fruit?
Strawberries…Pineapple…Mango…Blackberries. I don’t think there’s a fruit I don’t like actually…
What inspires you?
Other people inspire me… books I read… I find the Dalai Lama very inspiring as well.
Your favorite book?
Oh boy. So many… I will just say a few authors… Wally Lamb, Amy Tan, J.K Rowling. As for single books, I loved The Alchemist and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn. The Time Traveler’s Wife. So many more… must move on though.
Do you collect something?
Books, sometimes random things, nothing in particular really. Clutter. I collect clutter basically.
What is your favorite smell?
Fresh just-picked strawberries at the stands by the road. Pine leaves and wet dirt. Oak trees and dust. My dog. (I don’t care if that’s weird, it’s true. She isn’t a stinky dog, anyways, maybe because she is small & indoors a lot.)
What are you most proud of?
Lately… just getting my butt back in school I guess.
How many times do you press the snooze button before you get up?
At least twice. Usually close to five times, which is why I have a backup alarm as well. If I know there is something urgent that I MUST get up for on time, I usually get up right away.
Cats or dogs?
I would say dogs. They are just so lovable and playful. I do love cats too, just not as much as dogs.
What’s your biggest fashion mistake?
Geez… I don’t even know, there have probably been many. I definitely know that in high school my friends and I overdid the glitter and rhinestones so much that I cringe at the thought of it…
Complete the following: Love is...
Hard to describe.
I think Love is loving someone else more than (or maybe it is simply as much as) you love yourself.
What's the best life lesson you've learnt?
I think Ally’s answer was perfect.
Kindness is so incredibly important. Treat other people the way you would like to be treated. The world would be such a better place if everyone could do just that…
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." - Dalai Lama
If you could be a fly on the wall in any person's living room, who would it be?
Hm.. well maybe not in a living room, but in whatever meeting room the writers of “Lost” gather in. I’m curious if they just have a dartboard full of possible events on the show and just take turns throwing darts at it and writing it into the script… or is there some logic going on and everything will be explained in the last season?
So here are the rules for the Tag…
1. Fill out questions with your own response and replace one question that you don’t like with a question that you made up.
2. Tag four people
I’m not going to tag anyone in particular because I have already seen a lot of you do this… if you haven’t please do it, and let me know if you did!
I haven't done it...but perhaps I will. :)
I enjoyed reading your answers, Kiki.
So borrowing this one.
Wow Kaileigh.. I really didn't know we had so much in common. I knew we both love to read, but there were tons of other things too.
Oh, and I'm a Harry Potter nerd too! And Wally Lamb's "She's come undone" is one of my fav books. Plus, I love Gone with the Wind. See.. I told you we had a lot in common. :)
we got sims 3 and cant play it, it keeps crashing my computer. We have all the required stuff and plenty of ram, new video card and new direct x installed....and it still keeps crashing. I'm calling them tomorow to see what the heck is the prob.
Have you been able to play it?
I think you have a cute style! I have no style myself, just a jeans and tshirt girl. I love your book choices, and I want to read the Alchemist I just keep forgetting to read it once I get it home from the library and then...have to return it. Ugh. I need to read more this summer!!
Yum, green tea ice cream!! I'm also a massive frozen yoghurt fan too :)
The Sims 3 came out???
I LOVE the Sims!
dude the habit one oh man i was like eee i do all of that too!!
Amelie yes! classic disney yes! ahh i guess we're just dreamers! :)
Bridgett & D: Let me know if any of you guys do this one.
Monica - Are you excited for the new movie to come out? I am so sad that they are on the 2nd to last book... it needs to last FOREVER! LOL
Nancy... I'm not sure why your's wouldn't be working... I would ask the makers of the game because they probably have that reported already.
Piper Purple... it's really fun, and really addicting! I would absolutely recommend it
Glad to know I'm not the only Sims fan out there!
Pretty Little Pictures... I know, and even though I usually do the frozen yogurt... the green tea icecream sounds delish right now...mmm
Elena - Yes... I guess at heart I'm a dreamer...I have been wanting to watch Amelie lately, I haven't seen it in awhile. The hubby actually does like it too, but pretends to get upset that it's in french. I have to be honest, I read a lot, and once I'm into a movie I don't realize I'm reading subtitles anymore.
I'm way beyond excited to see the new HP movie. It looks like it's gonna be a great one from the looks of the trailer.
It comes out on July 17th. And the new Daughtry CD comes out on July 14th. That is going to be an awesome week for me! :)
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