Above: My little reindeer :)
(That stayed on all of... five seconds)
So finally, here is my Christmas post, which will primarily be pictures...
Our Christmas went like this...
Christmas Eve- Grandpa's house
Christmas Morning - Mom's house
Christmas Dinner - Mom's still
Christmas Evening - Dad's house, then Dad's girlfriend's house
So we were a little all over the place, which I'm not crazy about. I felt a little rushed in general this holiday season. In fact, the other day I turned on the radio and realized, I missed the Christmas music! I never sat down and enjoyed it or sang along this year, or really even heard my two favorite songs (Santa Baby - the Marilyn Monroe version, and Baby it's Cold Outside). Not to mention, we didn't drive around to look at lights or anything.
I hereby vow to not be swept up in the consumerism frenzy next year of just buying things for people last minute. I say this every year... but I really am going to make an effort next year.
So next year, you guys better hold me to this!
That being said, we really DID have a nice Christmas. It was just busy is all.
My Grandma came into town and stayed at our house, so it was also nice to have some company. And I will say, Russ and I truly got spoiled rotten. Not only did we get a ton of other things that we wanted (like my favorite perfume, my Shu Uemura eyelash curler, tools for Russ, Shop Vac for Russ).... well... you know that computer that I complained so much about?
It's out of here!
To make way for a brand new Hewlett Packard computer that my mom and dad put their money together to buy for Russ and I!!! I honestly couldn't believe it! It even comes with a new wide screen 19 inch monitor! It is HUGE!
So here I am, uploading pictures faster than ever, so I officially have no excuse now! LOL
Without further ado, here are some pictures from our Christmas!
Christmas Eve at Grandpa Mel & Bev's (my Step-Grandma):

Rob and Kristina
My Mom and Rob
Kyle and I
Kyle, Mom and I
I really think red might be his color!
My Grandpa and his wife, Bev
My favorite perfume! Sui Dreams by Anna Sui. I have worn this one for years, along with many others, but seem to always love this one the most. Kristina (my younger step-sister) used to always ask for some of mine, and now she has one too :)
Okay... so you know those houses that just have an insane amount of lights? The one people stop in front of and line up around the block for? Yeah, that's my Grandpa's house. I snapped some pics towards the end, so not everything was on (including the whole front portion and blow up things), but here is some of it...

Christmas Morning and Day at my mom's house:

Being attacked with kisses

Russ' new BASS fishing ornament (from Mom and Rob), he loves it!

An annual tradition, Mom gets me a Shu Uemura eyelash curler every year. This is my favorite curler, and they are supposed to be replaced once a year. They don't even make refill rubbers for them, so hence our tradition!

Everyone wants socks, right?

And finally, at my Dad's girlfriend's house:

Finally, my dad and I, which is a rare picture indeed. In fact we were supposed to go out to a joint Kaileigh/Kyle birthday dinner (we are both December babies), but since Kyle went on a road trip, I have been "blown off", if you will. That seems to be a constant with my dad. Some things just never change.
So anyways I think I am off to clean a little bit and just veg on the couch with Russ and possibly watch The Notebook :)
Sounds good to me!
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas, and if I don't blog before, a Happy New Year!!!
Sweetie, you're looking fabulous!
Christmas definitely looked busy, but also a lot of fun.
So glad you had a nice holiday.
Happy 2009!
I'm so glad you had a great christmas! Whoo Hoo on the computer! We have the 19" Monitor as well! It's awesome!
Sorry to hear u had all that running around to do but it seems likeu had fun with it all. I have no running around to do, evryone lives here with me, LOL
Happy new year's to you!
I liked your blog about Christmas.. I agree on how consumerized it is (though I don't think that is a word) lol.. I meesed looking at christmas lights as well....
What do you think about WIKILEAKS?
Hope for answer
Um.. Anonymous, that's a very random question on a Christmas post... from two years ago?
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