Hmm... yeah, there isn't really anything to write for the time being, so I am going to take a cue from Bridgett & Brandi, and answer these questions from James Lipton, host of Inside The Actor's Guild.
What is your favorite word?
Conduit. Lovely. Sweetheart, Sweetie (any pet name like that really, unless it’s used in a patronizing way), Weiner ;) I say it so often, my dog thinks it’s her second name.
What is your least favorite word?
Gizzard. Maggot. Earwig. Cadaver.
What turns you on?
A sense of humor, a person who reads(!!!), European accents (I know, I’m SOOOO original), an educated person who isn’t cocky about it
What turns you off?
What turns you off?
Arrogance/Cockiness. Bad New Jersey accents. Bad grammar. People who refuse to try new things (what a lame way to limit your experiences in life…), Hypocrites.
What noise do you love?
Birds in the morning. The crackle of a fire. The roar of the sea. The chime at my door at work (don’t ask). My puppy’s bark, she very rarely barks, and when she does it’s generally for a good reason. “I love you” whispered in my ear…
What noise do you hate?
What noise do you hate?
The ring tone on my phone that I have as my alarm in the morning ( I chose it on purpose because I end up hating any song that serves as my alarm). The sound of sirens. People honking their horns. Gross coughing. Someone spitting.
What is your favorite curse word?
I say “Hella” a lot… does that count? Russ gives me the worst time about it, but I honestly don’t notice when I say it anymore.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Author or grade-school teacher
What profession would you not like to do?
Something like an accountant… basically anything working with numbers/math. A creditor. A sales person.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
"Come on in" would be lovely :)
Original or not...I'm TOTALLY with you on the European accents. I love Irish brogues and British speak. Ahhhh...very sexy, indeed.
These were great answers and I found myself nodding my head at several of your answers. :)
I am sooo with both of you. I about pissed myself going over to London and hearing all these sexy men talking in these sexy accents. I was in HEAVEN! : D
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