Above: My morning drive on Friday
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Well... okay, to me at least. The mornings have been especially foggy, and I guess for me that's winter!
So my mom's birthday surprise for me on Friday was AMAZING! We drove to a little spa called Harmony and she treated me to a pedicure, a facial, and a massage!!! I have never had a facial or a massage, and it was absolutely wonderful. I haven't felt that relaxed in a long time.
Friday night Russ and I went to the Old Spaghetti Factory for dinner, and then went and saw Four Christmases. Well, it wasn't as bad as I expected, we had a few laughs and enjoyed the sweet parts of the movie and just overall getting into the spirit of Christmas.

On Saturday we went to a Christmas parade with our Dachshund meetup group, and afterwards went to our friend's store for snacks and just to hang out with friends and our dogs. Because the city was geared up for the Christmas parade, they also had a "Santa" in the store available for pictures, which I ended up mostly taking of people. Not that I'm complaining, I love taking pictures, especially ones that will put a smile on their face!

Well, we wrapped up the weekend on Sunday doing some work on the house (me on the inside, Russ outside). Russ topped off our side planter with bark (gosh, what a cheap and easy improvement), and started on our Christmas lights. I will most likely post some pictures of our lights once they are up!
Hope you all had an amazing weekend!
Weinerdogs are pretty neat but you can't play catch with them. Those little legs make them hard to catch.
California is kind of like Florida's Christmas's.
Warm and not so snowy! LOL
I'm going to Florida for Xmas and it's going to be REALLY weird. I'm so used to snow and what not for Christmas, not palm trees and 75 degree weather LOL!
I'm glad that you Cali girls out there have your own Holiday markers...even if it is fog instead of snow!
Ya gatta have something!
I hear that tropical places go above and beyond on the lights and decorations though...to make up for the lack of snow!
Remo- Okay that took me a couple of reads to get the playing catch with wiener dogs LMAO... I was like wait, my dog plays catch though... whew yeah, must be Monday. I got it now, I promise.
Britt, well, it doesn't stay as warm as Florida here, we usually do have some ice on our cars and stuff, but only in the mornings. People definitely do go overboard on the decorating here too!
Cute family photos - ah you get a sort of white christmas (i had a californian christmas once!!) i hopefully get a sunny warm one, but with our weather at the moment its not looking promising :(
Puppy I loove. Glad you had a great spa day!
I miss the sun!! It hasn't been sunny here in almost two weeks!
The Sun needs to come back to CenCal... seriously!!
I think your dachshund is adorable. Is she a miniature?
And what a birthday gift! I'm envious. LOL My birthday is Friday and I'm guessing I won't get anything, although I did ask for stamps to mail my Christmas cards. :)
I'm going to check out meetup.com and see if I can find a book club around here. How fun!
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