Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Blog headers for dummies?

Can someone please share with me how/where they make their lovely blog headers?

It would be very much appreciated :)



- said...

I don't know about everyone...but i know Most make thiers themselves. There isn't any program online where people make them.

I make mine in Photoshop.
My guess is that everyone else makes thiers with some kind of software on their computers as well.

- said...

also, Do you not know how to put a header in if you had one?

Let me know if you don't know how to do that too, I can walk you through that if you already have one to put up there...

You are welcome to email me if you need too.



Bridgett said...

Photoshop savvy friends make mine. :)

Namely, Brittany. LOL

My current one was made by Amy.


Easton wife said...

I changed my blog name and it looks like people have to re follow ugh sorry ! http://vivalacass.blogspot.com/ Cass