Monday, February 16, 2009

New look...

It must be something in the air, because I see I'm not the only blogger who revamped their hair this weekend!
My mom took me as a surprise for Valentine's day to get my hair done today. It was badly needed and such a wonderful treat! I have been looking for someone to do my hair, and think I may have found my lady. :)
I went for a more brunette color with soft highlights this time. My red will surely still peek through in the sunlight, since my hair pulls so much darn red when I get it done (since it is naturally a strawberry blonde). Last time that I had it colored it was a tad too burgundy (which is a cool toned red) whereas I really need to stay in the warm tones. I'm very happy with the result!
It's half up in this picture, I'm sure I'll have plenty of it down & curly later, I'm such a slob about straightening it :(


Bridgett said...

I love it. I think it really suits your coloring quite well.

And I'm like you...I HATE flat ironing my hair. It's so thick and it takes such a long time. That's why you'll usually find me with waves all over my head. LOL


- said...

I love your hair pin straight!
My hair is thin so It's really easy to flat iron. It takes like 5 minutes.

But I think it looks really good on you.

Easton wife said...

Love it! Cass

♥ Jenn ♥ said...


I love it.

it suits you well :)

♥ Jenn ♥ said...


I love it.

it suits you well :)

Kaileigh said...

Thanks you guys!
I like it straight too... it doesn't take too long, but if its even the slightest bit moist out, it frizzes up like you wouldn't believe

Monica said...

Your hair looks awesome! I thought I was following your blog all this time. I thought you just weren't posting.