Friday, October 16, 2009

Rainy Days...

Outside of school, it doesn't seem like I have much to update about my life lately.

We had a big storm on Tuesday, and since then, it's been grey and drizzling, with a few random breakthroughs from the sun before it hides behind the thick clouds again.

Along with loads of homework and studying for midterms, we've had some time to bundle up and snuggle safe inside our home while the rain trickles outside...

Yes... even Delilah has a little sweater. I always told myself I'd never be "that" person who puts her dog in cutesy little sweaters... but I guess things change, LOL.

It was just too darn cute, and felt so snuggly! Since Lilah was a puppy, she's always had an almost obsessive love of blankets and all things warm... it absolutely makes her day when I pull her blankets out of the dryer and let her lay under the still-hot-from-the dryer blankets (well really, who doesn't like that?)

I thought I'd try this little sweater on her to see if she liked it.

I still can't figure out whether she likes it or not. On one hand, she reacts the way most dogs do, she freezes up and doesn't move. Most likely because she is used to being blissfully naked, and doesn't yet realize that she can move the same way in a sweater.

On the other hand, she seems to enjoy the coziness, and soon looks like this...

Usually, she falls asleep within minutes of me putting her sweater on. She also gets excited if I lift the sweater up and ask her if she wants it, so I truly can't figure it out.

Well, I hope if it is rainy where you are, you too are warm and snuggly!


Stephanie @ said...


mylittlebecky said...

aaaaaaaaaaawww! snuggle puppy. i think it's hilarious when they just can't quite figure out what to do :)

Chantelle said...

I used to think "those" dog people were weird too.

Then my dog ad a shirt for every day of the week hehe ;)

Stay warm! (I love that warm blanket feeling too!)

gomillion and one... said...

Your dog is too cute!