Monday, October 5, 2009

Yosemite Trip

I thought I'd share my photos from the weekend before last. Russ and I went on a trip to Yosemite National Park to celebrate our anniversary!

We just stayed at a little Cabin at a nearby KOA. It was much more affordable than a hotel, and it was just more fun, in my opinion.

I wanted to share these sooner, but I've actually been house-sitting (and dog-sitting, 4 dogs, ughhhh) the entire week... and just got home on Friday night...

Everything was nice but, it's GOOD to be home.

Here are some pictures!!

Our "Welcome Spider"

Spider next to a normal sized leaf, he was BIG

On our cute little porch swing

This was amazing, this water was coming up from the ground into that little pond, and down the waterfall... It's called "Fern Spring"

Bridal Veil falls, the only waterfall still running by the time we got to go :(


Clothespin Tree. The distance can be misleading in this picture, the space is actually large enough for a pickup truck to drive through...

In front of "The Grizzly"
Surviving Tunnel Tree (the other had collapsed awhile ago...). These were made quite awhile ago to draw visitors to these attractions.

Thought this one above looked like a giant creature's foot...

On the way to Glacier Point...

We finally worked up the courage to ask someone else to take our picture :)

Half dome from Glacier Point at sunset...

Before our trail ride...

Russ on "Kitty", myself on "Chance"

Kitty getting a drink from the creek.


Stephanie @ said...

What a beautiful place! That waterfall is amazing. And those huge trees, some day I'd love to see them in person. Looks like it was a great trip.

Bernadette said...

Great photos Kiki!
Looks like you two had a lovely getaway :)

...your hair looks really cute curly :) ...and LOVE your new layout!

Bridgett said...

What a beautiful place! I could totally spend some time there.

Okay, that orb picture is just insane!!!

Definitely eerie. If you believe in spirits, it sure looks like you were surrounded by a bunch of them.


Bridgett said...

BTW, I do believe your spider was a breed of tarantula! How cool is that. :D

Kaileigh said...

Thanks you guys! I love the new layout too!

And Boo - I do actually, and what I think is super eerie is when you think about how OLD that tree is!! It's pretty crazy.

And our welcome spider was kind of cool actually... we honestly thought he was fake at first! I wouldn't say I necessarily like spiders, but they don't give me the creeps like other bugs do, so he was kind of neat.

Chantelle said...

These pictures are absolutely AMAZING!!! They are so breath taking!

Looks like you two had a great time!

That spider is just....ew. What kind is that??

Terri said...

EEEKKKK that spider scares me half to death and it's just a pic..LOL

LOVE your amazing pics...what a view! The huge trees and mountains and waterfall and streams...I would love to see it someday myself!

Love the cozy little cabin, I love staying in cabins...

Your new blog layout is awesome!


elena-lu said...

yay wonderful photos of your trip! and love those silly ones especially! too cute!