Sunday, March 22, 2009

Movie Review: Gran Torino

Wow, haven't done one of these reviews in awhile... I'm not sure actually why I haven't, since I do go to the movies quite a bit, but this movie in particular I just wanted to share.
I went and saw Gran Torino last night and would definitely recommend you see it either now before it's out of theaters, or if you prefer to rent it at home when it comes out.

At first I had no interest in seeing this movie, I hadn't watched a trailer for it or anything, and thought it was only about a car based on the I wrote it off as a guy movie. It does have coarse language & difficult subject matter, be forewarned, but I went with a group of girls and we all liked it a lot!
Here is the trailer if you are interested:

Has anyone else seen this? What did you think?


- said...

Haven't seen it...actually never heard of it either LOL

Bridgett said...

I haven't seen it, but I've heard from several folks it's a really great movie.

I'll have to mark it to rent. I rarely get to go to the theater these days. :(


Anonymous said...

I want to see this movie really bad! But I think by the time I get there, it will be on DVD so maybe I will just wait now...