Friday, March 20, 2009

Welcome Spring!

Well, Spring is officially here, and I'm ready to enjoy the mild weather while it lasts! Where I live in California, it is unfortunately nothing like So Cal where it is generally mild temperatures all year. (I have family that lives in San Diego... hot to them is 80 degrees, and at 60 degrees they are shivering)
While it doesn't get too cold where I live, it does get pretty hot, even up to 115 degrees in the summer. Yuck.
Right now, our town looks really lovely... we have a lot of those cherry trees that have pink blossoms... so there's lots of color everywhere. I'm loving it :)

I'm also loving that Twilight will soon be mine...

I didn't pre-order or anything from anywhere... but I'm sure I'll get my copy somewhere, somehow.

Hope you all are enjoying some Spring weather where you are!!


Brandi said...

NO preorder for me, is it bad that I want to feel the rush of actually staying up till midnight to get it? I think the vibes tonight are going to be a blast! : )

I love spring! :D

- said...

I will be getting Twilight as well, But i'm not in a rush as i've already seen it!

Kaileigh said...

Yeah, I saw it in theaters too... I didn't end up getting it last night. I was with Russ and he wasn't having any of it LOL.

Bridgett said...

Spring is my second favorite season...and I must say, I'm really looking forward to spring this year. Winter has been so darn long!

I still haven't received my copy of Twilight. No more pre-ordering for me. Grrrr.