Sunday, March 8, 2009

Spring, is that you?

Hello all, sorry about the recent hiatus, things have been a little crazy in my world in the past two weeks.
On Friday, I wrapped up my job and closed that part of my life... I was very sad to do so, but I'm trying to look at everything with as much optimism as I can muster.
When one door closes, another one opens... right? :)
It has been beyond beautiful outside this weekend. It's the kind of weather that gives your spirits an instant lift, which is needed after all the greyness of the past few weeks (both literally and figuratively). I am only on here doing a blog, because I am waiting for Russ to finish cleaning his work truck, and then we are off to the dog park!
On Saturday a couple of awesome new friends took me out to celebrate "my new chapter" in life. We went to downtown Sacramento to a cute and yummy dessert diner. I had a great time, and I am so thankful for friends who have helped me look at everything in a new and exciting way.

Yesterday I got all of my school supplies together, and I have to say that I'm feeling the back-to-school butterflies... aren't I a bit old for that? I am really excited, but also very nervous.

I hope where everyone is you are getting a little taste of Spring... I sure hope it's here to stay!
Also, I have been thinking of opening a more private blog (this one is obviously as public as it gets). I find that there are some things that are better not shared with everyone who wants to read it, and would also like somewhere to even possibly share some of my writing. Would any of you be interested in following? I know a few people who have private blogs, and they seem like a great outlet :)


- said...

You know i'd follow!

Bridgett said...

Count me in!

I think school is going to be great for you. It's normal to be nervous...I probably would be too. It's been so long! Aggghhh!

Here's to the changes spring brings!! :)