Thursday, March 12, 2009

Writer's Block

I am so frustrated with this case of writer's block I seem to have lately. It has been bothering me both in my blog (I feel like I have nothing to write about in my life), and in my creative writing class.

I guess what's bothering me about the writing class is that my professor told us that we can't write anything fantasy, or sci-fi, or even horror. Basically, nothing that wouldn't happen in everyday life.

This really bothers me, since it was listed as "Creative Writing - Fiction". What does that say to you? To me, it says be creative and imaginative, but apparently this isn't what it means to everyone. He is a nice enough guy, and I am still enjoying the class, but this really irks me.

Anyways, I guess my question is this, which I feel many of you can answer since it can pertain to your blogs as well.

What do you do to get inspired to write?

Meanwhile, I'll be around here somewhere... trying to think of something interesting yet also believable to write a story on (rolls eyes).



Bridgett said...

Well, my answer may not be very helpful, but most of my inspiration comes from my kids and daily life. LOL

I just keep it real.

And I agree about the creative writing should be able to write about anything your heart desires, IMHO.


Kaileigh said...

I know! I feel the same way too. I was actually thinking of writing about someone with writer's block?

- said...

I go on Plinky...LMAO!

Love the look in here!

Jen said...

I'm so sorry, that sounds terrible. I do sometimes have to stop and think about what i want to post about but i'm not a writer so it dosn't effect me too much. If i can't think of anything to post about i just don't post - i hope something comes to you soon!